Lot # 15 -
“You’re My Hero”
Start Time:
9/27/2024 5:00:00 AM
End Time:
10/6/2024 2:22:00 AM
Bid Count:
Winning User:
Starting Bid:
Bid Increment:$25.00
Current Bid:$500.00
Bidding complete
HERO .45 Caliber Wallet, HERO Punisher Vindicta Necklace, HERO Wings of Valor Bracelet, Never Forgotten Paracord Keychain Bottle Opener Donated by The HERO Company
There are no bids for the lot at this time
►Please join us for the 6th Annual Hope for Our Heroes Gala on Saturday, October 5th, with Special Guest speaker Taya Kyle, from Team Never Quit. Tickets can be purchased at: https://www.hlhtexas.org/events.
If you cannot attend, please consider purchasing a ticket for a local Veteran.
►Featuring: 42 Silent Auction Items
►13 Live Auction Items
►Download Catalog: PDF
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